Q&A with Beth: Devin Asks All the Questions About Her Polyamorous Relationship with Michelle
Devin: Alright, Beth, let’s get this over with. How would you describe your relationship with Michelle?
Beth: Oh, it’s just your typical “two people are in love with me and I’m the center of attention” kind of thing. No biggie. But seriously, Michelle is great. We click in a way that’s different than what we have, and I love that I get to have two amazing, but completely different, relationships. It’s like having your cake and eating it too—except, I’m also sharing the cake with her.
Devin: Oh, so I’m just cake now? Great. Was it hard to bring up the whole polyamory thing with me, or did you just figure I’d be too confused to notice?
Beth: Oh, it was terrifying. I was basically expecting you to either freak out or start making passive-aggressive comments about how I’m “so busy with other things.” But surprisingly, you just asked a thousand questions, looked completely bewildered, and said, “Well, if I’m cool with it, I guess, right?” You’re very… calm under pressure.
Devin: I was processing. Still am, probably. What exactly did Michelle bring to the table that I wasn’t already providing?
Beth: Well, for one, she’s a better cook. You burn toast, but she makes an amazing pasta. Also, she makes me laugh, like, a lot. You know, in that “I’m laughing at your ridiculousness” kind of way, not just “I’m politely chuckling because I’m your husband.”
Devin: Wait, so she’s better than me at everything now? Cool, cool. Does Michelle know I’m secretly analyzing every emoji she sends you?
Beth: (laughs) Oh, she knows. And she thinks it’s cute. Honestly, she thinks it’s adorable that you’re so… invested. But don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you for the “amazing pasta” just yet.
Devin: Oh, great, now I’m the “guy who can’t cook” stereotype. Perfect. Does being with Michelle change anything between us, or do I still get to be your primary favorite husband?
Beth: You’ll always be my favorite husband, don’t worry. But having Michelle in my life has made me appreciate you more, actually. I’ve had to get better at communication, which means I’m more direct with both of you, and that’s definitely made our relationship stronger. So, yay for you, I guess.
Devin: Oh, fantastic, now I’m a “better husband” because you’ve added a second relationship to the mix. Cool, cool. Do you ever feel overwhelmed balancing two relationships?
Beth: Sometimes, yeah. Like when I have to juggle dinner plans for the two of you, and neither of you can make up your mind about what you want to eat. It’s like I’m running a mini UN, but without the cool diplomatic immunity. But seriously, it’s a lot of work. Luckily, I’m a multi-tasking queen.
Devin: And I’m still the one who doesn’t know what’s for dinner. Got it. Finally—what’s the best part of being with Michelle? Is it the pasta, or does she have some other superpower I should know about?
Beth: Honestly, it’s the margaritas. I’m not even joking. She’s the one who got me hooked on making proper margaritas. I mean, I’m sure there’s emotional fulfillment too, but let’s be real—I’m in this for the cocktail game.
Devin: So, she’s the margarita maker? Well, guess I’ll have to step up my game. Thanks for the honesty, babe.
Beth: Anytime, love. You’re still the most tolerable of the two of you. (winks)
Coming in February…

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