
Missi & Sam bring us this month’s Hot Set. Before we dive in to their hot pics, let’s ask the question everyone always has for identical twins: ever slept with your sister’s boyfriend pretending you were her?

Twin 1: I’m Missi.

Twin 2: And I’m Sam.

Diane (Interviewer): You two look exactly alike! Has that ever caused any trouble, especially in your relationships?

Missi: Oh, definitely! People mix us up all the time, even people who should know better.

Sam: Yeah, sometimes it’s funny, and other times it’s… complicated.

Diane: Speaking of complicated, I have to ask—have either of you ever pretended to be the other when it comes to dating? Specifically, have you ever pretended to be your sister with her boyfriend?

Missi: laughs Oh, wow, we’re really diving in, huh?

Sam: Yeah, that’s quite a question.

Diane: Well, have you?

Missi: grinning Okay, I’ll admit, there was one time… but it wasn’t on purpose!

Diane: Oh? Tell me more!

Missi: Sam was dating this guy, Ryan, and he came up to me one day thinking I was her. I was caught off guard, and before I could correct him, he kissed me on the cheek! I was so shocked I just went with it for a second. Then I immediately told him, “Uh, I’m not Sam.” His face turned so red.

Sam: I remember that! He was mortified. And I was like, “How could you not tell?” But honestly, I can see how it happened.

Interviewer: Wow! So, Sam, have you ever done something like that?

Sam: I’ve never kissed someone pretending to be Missi, but I have taken advantage of the mix-up for fun. Like, once I answered a FaceTime call from her boyfriend just to see how long it would take him to realize. It took way too long! We were almost having full on phone sex before I had to let him know.

Missi: That was so messed up! He told me later he felt like he was in a horror movie when he realized.

Diane: Do you ever set rules about this sort of thing? Like a twin code of ethics?

Missi: Definitely. No intentional trickery when it comes to relationships. That’s a line we won’t cross.

Sam: Yeah, we love messing with people sometimes, but when it comes to boyfriends, we keep it honest.

Diane: That’s good to hear! Thanks for sharing your stories. I’m sure a lot of twins out there can relate. I’m sure our readers would have loved something a little juicier when it comes to seducing each other’s boyfriends.

Missi: Thanks for having us!

Sam: This was fun!

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