
Devin: Pip, you’re the only female lawyer at your firm in a small town. That must come with some unique challenges. Do clients or co-workers ever hit on you or ask you out?

Pip: (laughs) Oh, they wouldn’t dare. Most men are terrified of me. I have a bit of a reputation for not tolerating nonsense, and I think they know I’d verbally tear them to pieces if they crossed that line. Don’t get me wrong, I’m polite and professional, but the moment someone tries to mix business with something inappropriate, I shut it down immediately.

Devin: Why do you think most men are so scared to even try?

Pip: I think it’s because I don’t just say I’m tough—I am tough. I’ve built my career on being sharp, prepared, and fearless, and that carries over into how I carry myself. People know I’m not someone you can sweet-talk or intimidate into submission. That level of confidence is intimidating for some, especially if they’re not secure in themselves. Plus, I’ve mastered the art of a cold, unimpressed stare. (laughs)

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Devin: So, what are you looking for in a relationship?

Pip: Someone who can challenge me. I’m the boss all day at work, and, honestly, it gets exhausting. I don’t want to come home and feel like I have to carry that same energy into my personal life. I want a partner who can take charge, who has their own sense of purpose and strength. Someone who doesn’t shrink under pressure or my personality but can match it.

Devin: It sounds like you’re looking for someone who can complement, not compete with you.

Pip: Exactly. I don’t need someone to try to outshine me, and I don’t need someone who’s just going to roll over and let me run the show either. Balance is the goal. I want someone who makes me feel like I can breathe and lean on them for once.

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Devin: You’re clearly a very independent and self-assured person. Where does that toughness come from?

Pip: My mom. She was one tough cookie. She raised me on her own, worked long hours, and never let anyone see her struggle. She taught me how to stand up for myself and handle challenges head-on. Growing up, I saw her tackle every obstacle with grit and determination, and I just… emulated that. It became second nature.

Devin: It sounds like she was a major influence.

Pip: She was. She showed me that being strong and independent doesn’t mean you can’t be kind or compassionate—it just means you don’t let people take advantage of you. That lesson shaped who I am today, in and out of the courtroom.

Devin: Do you think that strength ever makes it harder to connect with people?

Pip: Sometimes, yes. Being independent can make people assume you don’t need anyone, which isn’t true. I’m human, too. I just have high standards, and I’m not willing to lower them to make someone else comfortable. The right person will get that—and when they come along, they’ll be worth the wait.

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Editor’s Note: Yes, We’ll definitely be seeing more of Pip, she’s my on and off again girlfriend or friend with benefits I suppose would be the right term. -DO

Is this model Devin’s 2025 Babe of the Year? It’s the peoples’ choice!

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